📓 F# Notes

ROT13 Algorithm

A gentle introduction to algorithms in F# #

The ‘ROT13’ algorithm is an introductory lesson in obfuscation that ‘rotates’ the alphabet by 13 positions (half of the full length of 26 characters) to create a new, harder-to-read result. It serves as an initial model for those that are new to cryptography to work out through inductive reasoning.

open System.Text

let rotChar (c:char) offset = int c + offset |> char

let rot13 (str:string) =
    let rec rot (str:char list) (sb:StringBuilder) =
        match str with
        | [] -> sb.ToString()
        | c::cs -> match int c with
                   | cCode when (cCode > 77 && cCode <= 90) || (cCode > 109 && cCode <= 122) -> rot cs (rotChar c -13 |> sb.Append)
                   | _ -> rot cs (rotChar c 13 |> sb.Append)
    rot (str.ToCharArray() |> List.ofArray) (StringBuilder())

(* Calling the function to evaluate rot13 algorithm *)

printfn "%s" (rot13 "zlatan")

(* returns "myngna" *)

While this is simple in terms of algortithmic processing, this example also shows how recursive processing is structured in F#.
